Monday, January 26, 2009

the title

Kyna means "wise one"
Lucile (my mom's name, and my middle name) means "bringer of the light"
I want an outlet for my process.
A place to write what i remember of my mom. All that she shared with me. And I want to share it with whoever wants to read it.
These are the purposes of this space, as far as I know right now. <3


  1. Kyna, I'm so glad I received your email. I'm so sorry about your mom. I only met her a few times at your house, but remember her always as very warm and welcoming. Please know that you and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Thanks Ashton <3 I love hearing what people remember about her, even those that like you only met her once or twice. So thank you for sharing! And we so greatly appreciate being in your thoughts and prayers <3

    Love and Hugs, Kyna

  3. Kyna,

    Write, write, write. Get it out. Whatever it is. However happy you are having a 'sudden fun attack' or however pissed off, hurting you are. Put it out there. It 'will' help.
