Sunday, February 1, 2009

2.1.09. i had my first panic attack last night. im kind of over crying in mass amounts, because i'm not crazy about how it makes my face feel.

a little is good tho. (i ran out of room in "title")

i dont care about blood.
i dont care what your name is. 
i dont care what we call you.
i dont care what you call me.
i dont care what the psych books say about you.
i dont care what others say about you.
i dont care about the things i "know" about you.
i dont care about the things i dont.
i care about the experiences ive had with you. 
i care about the energies you've presented to me, since the moment we met. 
i care about the words you've spoken to, of, and around me, since the moment we met.
i never liked history, but now i see its purpose.
the purpose of history is to help you in the present.
its memory.
its energetics.
its knowledge.
your personal history is so important.
its important to live in the moment, it totally sucks not to.
AND living in the moment does not mean forgetting your past. it means being aware of your past so you can live fully, joyously, without getting hurt. 
nothing is on accident.
everything has a purpose.
every word that has ever been spoken, has a purpose.
every action, every look, every moment matters.
now, this does not mean to forget about forgiveness.
this means, to forgive but not to forget. 
forgiveness is not the key to happiness.
forgetting is not the key to happiness.
forgiving and remembering together, are vital for happiness. not "the key", i dont think theres one key, thatd be silly, but vital vital elements.
i forgive everyone of you for anything you've ever done that i took in as less than beautiful or that you put out as less than beautiful. it was a moment, or two, or a million, and i remember, but i forgive you. 
do you know what forgiveness means?
instead of putting my definition, i'll let you ponder it, its more fun, more unlearning that way ;)

i don't act with mal intent. in general. ok fine i have before. but i cant see myself doing that now. i see all of this like a game. or a play. and some people have said screw the script i'm improving all the way - some keep to their role completely, and of course others scatter in between. some consciously do these things, some unconsciously. some think they're conscious but aren't. some dont even know what the term "conscious" means, but they are, and live it, breathe it. some people dont know what to say and some people say A LOT and some people have really great intentions and some people dont. and everything in between. i dont care where you fall. its your perogative. it has nothing to do with me. what does have to do with me is how i respond to you. the way i respond to you is with full intent of 100% taking care of me. what is "me"? 
now this is kyna we're talking to, maybe "we" means all living things, maybe "we" means the dirt and the caterpillars and the bins under my sink 'cause she's all into that "oneness" thing
bitch - of course that's the way she responds - it's always alllll about kyna
that makes sense, that's the way i respond to things, what does she mean what does "me" mean? isn't that obvious? why does she have to explain herself? she does that, always wants an explanation...
i totally get that. gosh she's brilliant.
what the heck is she even talking about?
these are some responses i can think of that others may put out there... based on my past discussions... 
so now... what is "me"... the objective case of "I"? what is "I"? the nominative singular pronoun used by someone referring to him or herself? or is "I" the "ego"? what the heck is the "ego"? all these terms. "big", loaded words we use? or simple, so so simple words that we make big and loaded? complex? rudimentary? lets think... what is "me"?

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